Gather 'round the warm glow of your computer monitor with your spouse and take a few moments to enjoy this blog together. I'll share tales about my glorious adventures as a husband (many of which will be made up). However, guys, there may be a few helpful hints in here of what to do (or not do) that can help you...keep a happy wife.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Since the Last Time I Wrote One of These...

Since the last time I wrote one of these six years ago, I am older and fatter.  Most other comparative adjectives don’t play in my favor, either.  However, I do still have life insurance and The Wife has the DVR full of episodes of “Snapped”.  This blog post is quickly headed towards being a potential cry for help.  Let me get us back on track.

Since the last time I wrote one of these six years ago, The Wife and I got one son through college and another is just three months from doing the same.  The Older One also has a good job, a wife, a house and a baby (done in that order).  The Younger One already has a terrific job waiting for him after he graduates.  The Wife is, and always has been, an extraordinary mother to our sons.  And to no one’s surprise, she is taking to the new role of grandmother quite easily.  A very sexy grandma at that (do yourself a favor though…do NOT google “sexy grandma”). 

Since the last time I wrote one of these six years ago, I’ve spent too much time ranting on twitter about sports, politics, music and nonsense.  Then, I’ve spent too much time writing articles for blogs about Bourbon.  The Wife has been ever supportive: laughing at my jokes and liking my tweets (an occasional re-tweet is a much better way to say “I love you”, but I won’t complain).

Since the last time I wrote one of these six years ago, work life for both of us has been quite different than either of us imagined.  The Wife re-entered the workforce and, again to no surprise, she is exceptional at what she does.  She also remains remarkably supportive and encouraging to me in my work.  It’s like she’s an amalgamation of all the women from the movie “9 to 5”.

Since the last time I wrote one of these six years ago, a lot has changed.  Change, in general, is expected.  Change, in specific…that’s where the surprise comes in.  Some of it’s great.  Some of it’s good.  Some of it’s not so good.  Some of it, honestly, can kinda suck.  The constant in all of this has been The Wife.  There is not a shadow of a doubt of her love, her support or her character regardless of great, good or sucky changes in circumstances.  I don’t have to fear that if I mess up, will she still love me (she hasn’t quit on me yet…why start now?).  Even though she may binge-watch a dozen episodes of “Snapped”, I don’t have to fear that she’ll kill me in my sleep. 

Since the last time I wrote one of these six years ago, there is one amazing thing that has changed in such amazing ways and that is amazingly how I love her more now than then.  And that is something that I did not believe could be possible.