Gather 'round the warm glow of your computer monitor with your spouse and take a few moments to enjoy this blog together. I'll share tales about my glorious adventures as a husband (many of which will be made up). However, guys, there may be a few helpful hints in here of what to do (or not do) that can help you...keep a happy wife.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

So...How'd It Go?

Previously on Keep a Happy Wife…The Wife and I were celebrating our 24th anniversary.  For each hour of that day, I was giving her a gift, card or memento that related to that year in our marriage.  You've likely been thinking all week “Well, how did it go?” or “Is Thanksgiving this week?” or “If a man can think up 24 gifts to give his wife on their anniversary, how can the smartest people on the planet not get a healthcare website to work?”. 

The day did start with a white rose, which was the flower in our wedding, but I wasn't dumb enough to wake her at 1 AM.  Here are some other highlights:
  • Notes from friends from all times of our marriage including from our sons, The Parents and The In-Laws.
  • A Noah’s Ark Christmas ornament (another story for another day).
  • Pralines from our favorite candy store from our favorite vacation destination, Charleston.
  • A Tennessee Tech mini-basketball (we had season tickets when we lived in Cookeville, TN).
  • A video slide show of our road trip vacation from 2009.
  • Tickets to the Fantasy of Trees, which was a Thanksgiving weekend tradition in Knoxville.
  • The last item of the day was a dozen red roses.

 It was a fun day for both of us.  We got to remember together the different times of our marriage, why we love each other and how blessed we have been day by day.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Events Occur In Real (Good) Time

Twenty four years ago today, The Wife and I were pronounced “Keep-A-Happy-Wife-Guy” and “The Wife”. 
To celebrate that, my warped logic went like this:
  • 24
  • 24 years
  • 24 hours in a day
  • Let’s celebrate once an hour for each year we've been married.

So, about 1 AM, I woke her up and gave her a single white rose.  She stabbed me in the throat with the stem of the flower and smothered me to death with a pillow. 

The End.

Well, that didn't really happen.  I’ll post something later and let you know how the day went.  Some gifts, notes and mementos will be hidden.  Some will come by e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.  Some I'll actually give her in person.

If you don’t hear from me, and The Wife starts living large off the life insurance paycheck or maybe starts dating that Thor guy…tell the authorities (heck...tell Jack Bauer) that the murder weapons were a white rose and a feather down pillow.